Sunday, November 18, 2007


Well I made a rollyo for Aussie native plants. I was then able to look up a specific native plant name using the sites I had nominated as good sites and got some information on that plant. Pretty handy really. I actually made a search called "aust native plants" and then realised i was supposed to actually register first so there is a second one titled "aussie native plants".

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Flickr and "mashups"

I found a place where you can make postcards and send to a friend - something individual. You add a picture either from the site or your own and add some text and add your email and your fiends and bobs your uncle! Of course you can also keep your own photos on the site for friends to access without having to email them!

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Well this was fun. I wish I had more time to muck around with this. I can see this could be fun for birthdays and even for making up signs in the library and so on ...