Wednesday, June 4, 2008

The new world is here

Well I'm back blogging yet again! I qualified as a Library Technician in 1991 the year my second child was born. Since then I have seen the internet become available whilst working at the State Reference Library in Tasmania from 1989-1997. I often used to look at customers using it and think I must learn how to use it! But working part-time and having two young children prevented me from having the time. When my youngest started school just three years ago I started doing volunteer work ina school library and could see then how much PCs were now being used compared to when I worked in libraries before and also during my studies. I then did a Certificate 2 in Information Technology at Chisholm TAFE in 2005 and my eyes were opened!

Our webpage gives patrons access to so much more than was ever before available in terms of our databases and even the fact that we are now linked to other libraries through Swift. We have next reads and soon emails or texts to tell patrons when their holds have arrived. There is so much we can do now!

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